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Faith Education Ministries

The following are minsitries that focus on faith education. If you feel called to join one of these minsitries please do not hesitate to contact the parish office (9721 2141) .


Adult Faith Education


The adult faith education ministry ensures that there are programs and initiatives including the use of modern communications technology to reach and support adults in their spiritual faith journey.

Baptism Preparation Ministry


Parishioners in this ministry visit people at their homes wanting to have their child baptized. They complete the necessary paper work with these people in the comfort of their own homes, and provide them with baptism preparation materials. They also invite them to the next baptism presentation evening.


People in this ministry also assist to prepare the parents and godparents of children to be baptised by discussing the theology of the subject, together with their duties. They also explain the ceremony, including the symbolism of the baptism ceremony.

Marriage Preparation Ministry


People in this ministry assist young couples to prepare for marriage. Preparing couples usually involves meeting with the couple/s a number of times, to discuss a topic each time.


The Church believes in the sacredness of marriage and urges couples to prepare well for this special day and married life. The aims of marriage preparation courses are several: to support couples in recognizing the need for good communication and constant love; to help couples examine the level of commitment that is required for married life; to assist couples in understanding the Church's teaching on the sacrament of marriage and the vocation to married life; and to explain the Church's teaching on sexual morality. In addition, the course provides an opportunity to prepare for the couples marriage ceremony.



The RCIA Team is a community of experienced Catholics who are committed to serving as companions on the journey of faith for those who are coming into the fullness of faith.


Team members come from all walks of life, ethnicities, and incomes. They are not Catholics “experts”. They share just one characteristic: a willingness to share themselves and their faith so that others can enter fully in the daily life of our Catholic community.


We meet at Parish Hall, St Patrick’s Cathedral at 7:00pm – 8:30pm Wednesday evenings excluding school holidays


Enrich your own faith, develop friendships, to support and encourage those on a faith journey, experience continuing conversion. Attend the meetings, share your own faith journey, support and encourage discussion amongst enquirers, pray with and for enquirers, help enquirers feel welcome and comfortable with their questions.


Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in becoming an R.C.I.A team member.

After School Sacramental Program (Catechism)


A catechist is a person who facilitates the process of faith formation. This is done by echoing the word of God in his or her own life, and second by helping others to do so.


You are part of a select community of people in the church who are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in a formal setting. Through your work with adults, families, adolescents, and children, you are passing on a lived faith”. Joe Paprocki


A person who becomes a catechist   is in a privileged position to help nurture the faith of students and families.  People who are interested in becoming a Catechist will receive help and support for this very important ministry.

For more details contact the Parish Office.

Childrens Liturgy


Children’s Liturgy is held at the Sunday 10am Mass. The aim of this ministry is to explain the Sunday Gospel to children in a meaningful way. This makes Mass a meaningful experience for children, and allows parents to focus on the Mass themselves.


We have a wonderful resource that outlines what we should say. It also has various activity sheets suitable for children of different ages.


If you would like to be part of the Childrens Liturgy Team please contact the Parish Office.

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